Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Bits of Belfast - Part 1

After a little reading it seems that a picture could be worth any number of words! Curious as to where the phrase "A picture is worth a Thousand words” has its origins rooted and also armed as ever with a Google search box, I set to the task. I came across this web page entitled: "The History of a Picture's Worth" and like the marketing phrase coined by Fred R. Barnard ('One Look is Worth a Thousand Words') suggests - I thought it might be a good time to see if this is true for a random photo of a bit of Belfast I took on July 29th 2009:

Belfast City Hall July 29th 2009

I have to admit I’m not finding it too descriptive. Given a subtitle, I would put forward - ‘Just another summers day’.

Replaced by words, it would probably go down the route of... The clouds were dancing unpredictably and providing us with rain, sun, overcast, rain, sun, and overcast again, Belfast City hall didn’t look too happy and had its slightly damp ‘not impressed’ look going on. The ‘Streets ahead’ project and other works currently going on along several areas in the city center have the pavement out of action on Donegall Place with oversized red and white barriers restricting anything that moves. Anything that is except the pigeons and workmen who inhabit the trenches that expose a myriad of pipes that keeps the place ticking.

The tree’s have their green coats on and people are going about their journeys with either; their coats on or sweating as they go, or ready for sun and about to get soaked. Whichever way the human variety of walker is dressed, I reckon they’re all being laughed at by the pigeons. The very same pigeons who are now so used to walking in our footsteps that they often try a game of dare. I have to admit, I lose when I take part in this game and end up being the one having to avoid walking into them. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was just that they had been in an accident or had their wings clipped but they take to the air quickly enough when a bus is close to contact. In a survival of the fittest between me and a streetwise pigeon, I’m afraid I would probably lose - ah well!

So as you may have already fathomed, not much is happening in my little world at the moment. I’m spending too much time wasting the time I do have on Facebook games and too little time with Norn Girl and blogging. That’s defiantly painted a picture that I hope to remedy. Though pictures aren't going to be able to replace words in my blog, with just a few more pictures to save just a few more words it's going to be a big help. I intend to use more blogging with photos as an incentive to discourage me from writing a small essay as often. I hope it’ll encourage me to blog a little more often. The aim being to kill two pigeons with one stone - 1. to distract me to something productive from the world of Facebook and 2. to save some time that can be better spent cuddled up to my fiancée.

So like this post, Bits of Belfast will hopefully fill in those voids between posts. The aim, to put my mind at ease instead of trying to remember what I had hoped to get around to blogging a small essay about (*ponders that Leeds United at the Oval/ Crusaders in Europe post that’s still in my head and in un-resized photos*).

A post a day is the dream, could it be possible? No matter, at least you'll get to see more of Belfast! I'll blog to that :)

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